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最近在看《Real Time 3D Terrain Engines Using C++And DirectX 9》,不过是看网上翻译的版本叫《实时地形引擎》看英文实在蛋疼,还好有翻译版的,要多多感谢承天一大哥!这本书讲解了地形制作的一些技术,更吸引人的是实现了一个小型的渲染引擎,对于我这样的游戏引擎初学者很适合。gaia正是书中构建的引擎的名字。这里来写写一些简单的分析,作为学习笔记。



1、 data_pool.h



class cPoolGroup {
public: cPoolGroup(uint16 maxCount); ~cPoolGroup(){}; void create(); void destroy(); uint16 addMember(const T& member); uint16 nextMember(); void release(uint16 index); uint16 totalOpen()const; uint16 totalUsed()const; uint16 firstOpen()const; bool isOpen(uint16 index)const; T& member(uint16 index); const T& member(uint16 index)const; T* memberPtr(uint16 index); const T* memberPtr(uint16 index)const; private: uint16 m_totalOpen; uint16 m_firstOpen; uint16 m_maxCount; uint16* m_nextOpenList; T* m_memberList;//数据对象链表 };






class cDataPoolInterface {
public: typedef void (*MEMBER_CALLBACK)(cDataPoolInterface* pPool, cPoolHandle handle, void* member); cDataPoolInterface():m_initialized(false){}; virtual ~cDataPoolInterface(){}; virtual void initialize(uint16 growSize)=0;; virtual void destroy()=0;; virtual void clear()=0; virtual cPoolHandle nextHandle()=0; virtual void release(cPoolHandle* pHandle)=0; virtual void forEach(MEMBER_CALLBACK function)=0; virtual void* getGenericPtr(cPoolHandle index)=0; bool isInitialized()const {
return m_initialized;} protected: bool m_initialized; };





class cDataPool : public cDataPoolInterface {
public: // Data Types & Constants... typedef T DATA_TYPE; typedef cPoolGroup
MemberGroup; typedef std::list
MemberGroupList; typedef cDataPoolInterface::MEMBER_CALLBACK MEMBER_CALLBACK; // Creators... cDataPool(); ~cDataPool(); void initialize(uint16 growSize); void destroy(); const T& operator[](cPoolHandle handle)const {
return get(handle);} T& operator[](cPoolHandle handle) {
return get(handle);} // Mutators... cPoolHandle add(const T& member); void clear(); cPoolHandle nextHandle(); void release(cPoolHandle* pHandle); void forEach(MEMBER_CALLBACK function); // Accessors... bool isHandleValid(cPoolHandle index)const; const T& get(cPoolHandle index)const; T* getPtr(cPoolHandle index); void* getGenericPtr(cPoolHandle index); uint16 totalMembers()const {
return m_totalMembers;} uint16 totalOpen()const {
return m_totalOpen;} uint16 totalUsed()const {
return m_totalMembers-m_totalOpen;} private: // Private Data... MemberGroupList m_groupList;// cPoolGroup链表 uint16 m_totalMembers; uint16 m_totalOpen; uint16 m_groupCount; uint32 m_indexMask; int m_indexShift; // Private Functions... explicit cDataPool(const cDataPool& Src); cDataPool& operator=(const cDataPool& Src); cPoolGroup
* addGroup(); cPoolGroup
* findOpenGroup(unsigned* groupNumber); cPoolGroup
* getGroup(unsigned index); const cPoolGroup
* getGroup(unsigned index)const; int getGroupNumber(cPoolHandle handle)const; int getItemIndex(cPoolHandle handle)const; cPoolHandle buildHandle(int group, int index)const; };



2、 resource_pool.h




class cResourcePoolInterface {
public: union FILE_EXTENSION {
char ext[4]; uint32 fourcc; }; typedef std::map
NAME_LOOKUP_MAP; cResourcePoolInterface(); virtual ~cResourcePoolInterface(){}; // these functions must be proviided in the derived class (cResourceType) virtual void initialize(uint16 growSize)=0; virtual void destroy()=0; virtual bool isInitialized()const=0; virtual void destroyAll()=0; virtual void disableAll()=0; virtual void restoreAll()=0; virtual void clean()=0; cResourcePoolItem* createResource(const cString& resourceName); cResourcePoolItem* loadResource(const cString& filename); cResourcePoolItem* getResource(cPoolHandle handle); cResourcePoolItem* findResource(const cString& Name); void destroyResource(cResourcePoolItem* pResource); bool saveResource(cResourcePoolItem* pResource); cPoolHandle findResourceHandle(const cString& Name); const cString* findResourceName(cPoolHandle handle)const; void setResourceName(cPoolHandle handle, const tchar* name); void registerResourcePool(cResourceCode code); void unregisterResourcePool(); cResourceCode registrationCode()const; protected: cResourceCode m_registrationCode; NAME_LOOKUP_MAP m_nameMap; private: // Private Functions... virtual cPoolHandle internalCreateResource(const cString& resourceName)=0; virtual void internalDestroyResource(cPoolHandle handle)=0; virtual cResourcePoolItem* internalGetResource(cPoolHandle handle)=0; };




class cResourcePool : public cResourcePoolInterface {
public: typedef T DataType; typedef cDataPool
DataPool; // Creators... cResourcePool(){}; ~cResourcePool(){}; // Base Class Overrides... void initialize(uint16 growSize); void destroy(); bool isInitialized()const; void destroyAll(); void disableAll(); void restoreAll(); void clean(); // delete items no longer referenced DataType* createResource(const cString& resourceName); DataType* loadResource(const cString& filename); DataType* getResource(cPoolHandle handle); DataType* findResource(const cString& Name); // static data pool callbacks static void callbackDestroy(cDataPoolInterface* pPool, cPoolHandle handle, void* resource); static void callbackRestore(cDataPoolInterface* pPool, cPoolHandle handle, void* resource); static void callbackDisable(cDataPoolInterface* pPool, cPoolHandle handle, void* resource); static void callbackClean(cDataPoolInterface* pPool, cPoolHandle handle, void* resource); private: // Data... DataPool m_dataPool; // Private Functions... cPoolHandle internalCreateResource(const cString& resourceName); void internalDestroyResource(cPoolHandle handle); cResourcePoolItem* internalGetResource(cPoolHandle handle); // Nonexistant Functions... cResourcePool( const cResourcePool& Src); cResourcePool& operator=( const cResourcePool& Src); };







/*    cResourcePoolItem






       A cResourcePoolItem is a simple base class for a shared resource such as a texture,


       animation or vertex buffer.




       Note that cResourcePoolItem is derived from cReferenceCounter. The cResourcePoolManager uses


       the value of the cReferenceCounter to decide when objects are no longer in use and can


       be destroyed during the cResourcePoolManager::clean() function. This means the application


       must update the reference count of the cResourcePoolItem whenever links between objects


       are created or removed between objects. The cReferenceCounter base class provides the


       functionality to manipulate the reference count.








class cResourcePoolItem : public cReferenceCounter {
public: // Data Types & Constants... enum {
nCreated=0, // the resource has been created nLoaded, // the resource is filled with data and ready for use nDisabled, // the resource is currently disabled for use nAltered, // the resource has been altered since loaded nTotalResourceFlags }; // Creators... cResourcePoolItem(); virtual ~cResourcePoolItem(); // User Functions // These function prototypes are to be used by resources that use volatile or system-specific resources. // Examples would be video-memory resident textures or hardware vertex buffers. virtual bool createResource()=0; // innitialize the resource (called once) virtual bool destroyResource()=0; // destroy the resource virtual bool disableResource()=0; // purge the resource from volatile memory virtual bool restoreResource()=0; // restore the resource to volatile memory virtual bool loadResource(const tchar* filename=0)=0; // load the resource from a file (or NULL to use the resource name) virtual bool saveResource(const tchar* filename=0)=0; // save the resource to a file (or NULL to use the resource name) // Accessors... cResourceCode resourceCode()const; cResourcePoolInterface* resourcePool()const; cPoolHandle resourceHandle()const; u32Flags resourceFlags()const; bool isResourceCreated()const; bool isResourceDisabled()const; bool isResourceLoaded()const; const cString* findResourceName()const; void setResourceName(const tchar* name); void setAlteredFlag(bool onOff); bool alteredFlag()const; // mimic COM interfaces virtual int32 Release(); protected: // only derrived classes are permitted to modify internal members void setResourceCode(cResourceCode code); void setResourcePool(cResourcePoolInterface* interfaePtr); void setResourceHandle(cPoolHandle handle); void setResourceFlag(int flagBit, bool Setting); void notifyCreated(); void notifyDisabled(); void notifyLoaded(); void notifyUnloaded(); void notifyRestored(); void notifyDestroyed(); void notifySaved(); private: // Data... cResourceCode m_resourceCode; cResourcePoolInterface* m_resourcePool; cPoolHandle m_resourceHandle; u32Flags m_resourceFlags; // Private Functions... // Nonexistant Functions... cResourcePoolItem( const cResourcePoolItem& Src); cResourcePoolItem& operator=( const cResourcePoolItem& Src); friend cResourcePoolInterface; };




/*    cReferenceCounter






       A cReferenceCounter is a base class which allows the program


       to count open instances.








class cReferenceCounter {
public: // Construction and Destruction... cReferenceCounter() {
m_nReferenceCount = 0; } cReferenceCounter( const cReferenceCounter& Src) {
// Reference counts are tied to a specific instance // i.e. they are never copied m_nReferenceCount = 0; } virtual ~cReferenceCounter() {
// assert if this object is still in use assert(m_nReferenceCount == 0); } // Operators... cReferenceCounter& operator=(const cReferenceCounter& Src) {
// this function is provided in order to allow // derived classes to provide copy operators. // the reference count itself is never copied. return *this; } // Mutators... virtual int32 AddRef() {
assert(m_nReferenceCount != MAX_INT32); ++m_nReferenceCount; return(m_nReferenceCount); }; virtual int32 Release() {
assert(m_nReferenceCount > 0); --m_nReferenceCount; return(m_nReferenceCount); } // Accessors... int32 referenceCount()const {
return m_nReferenceCount;} private: // the internal reference count, stored in 32bits int32 m_nReferenceCount; };





class cResourcePoolManager : public cSingleton
public: typedef std::map
ResourcePoolTypeMap; typedef std::list
ResourcePoolFamilyList; // Creators... cResourcePoolManager(); ~cResourcePoolManager(){}; // registration of resource manager interfaces void registerResourcePool(cResourceCode code, cResourcePoolInterface* pInterface); cResourcePoolInterface* unregisterResourcePool(cResourceCode code); // operations for all resource types void destroyAll(); void disableAll(); void restoreAll(); void clean(); // delete items no longer referenced // operations on specific resource types void destroyResourceFamily(int family); void disableResourceFamily(int family); void restoreResourceFamily(int family); void cleanResourceFamily(int family); void destroyResourceType(cResourceCode code); void disableResourceType(cResourceCode code); void restoreResourceType(cResourceCode code); void cleanResourceType(cResourceCode code); cResourcePoolInterface* findResourcePool(cResourceCode code)const; cPoolHandle findResourceHandle(cResourceCode code, const cString& Name)const; cResourcePoolItem* findResource(cResourceCode code, const cString& Name)const; cResourcePoolItem* findResource(cResourceCode code, cPoolHandle handle)const; private: ResourcePoolFamilyList m_resourceFamilyList[k_nTotalResourceFamilies]; ResourcePoolTypeMap m_resourceTypeMap; };




class cTexture : public cResourcePoolItem {
public: // Data Types & Constants... enum eTextureFlags {
k_cubeMap=0, k_dynamicTexture, k_renderTarget, k_paletized, k_mipMaps, }; enum eForcedFormatFlags {
k_forceMipLevels=0, k_forceFormat, k_forceSize, }; // Creators... cTexture(); ~cTexture(); // base resource overrides bool createResource(); // innitialize the resource (called once) bool destroyResource(); // destroy the resource bool disableResource(); // purge the resource from volatile memory bool restoreResource(); // prepare the resource for use (create any volatile memory objects needed) bool loadResource(const tchar* filename=0); // load the resource from a file (or NULL to use the resource name) bool saveResource(const tchar* filename=0); // save the resource to a file (or NULL to use the resource name) bool createTexture(uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 mipLevels, uint32 usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL pool); bool createCubeTexture(uint32 size, uint32 mipLevels, uint32 usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL pool); void generateMidpointNoise(float falloff); void generatePerlinNoise(float scale, int octaves, float falloff); bool generateNormalMap(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 heightMap, uint32 channel, uint32 flags, float amplitude); bool generateNormalizationCubeMap(); bool maskWithImage(cImage* pImage); void releaseTexture(); bool convertToNormalMap( uint32 channel, uint32 flags, float amplitude); // Accessors... LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 getTexture()const; bool uploadImage(const cImage* pImage, bool copyAll = true); bool uploadCubeFace(const cImage* pImage, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES face, bool copyAll = true); uint32 width()const{
return m_width;} uint32 height()const{
return m_height;} uint32 mipLevels()const{
return m_mipLevels;} uint32 d3dUsage()const{
return m_d3dUsage;} D3DFORMAT d3dFormat()const{
return m_d3dFormat;} D3DPOOL d3dPool()const{
return m_d3dPool;} bool getSurfaceLevel(int level, LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9* ppSurface); private: // Data... uint32 m_width; uint32 m_height; uint32 m_mipLevels; uint32 m_d3dUsage; D3DFORMAT m_d3dFormat; D3DPOOL m_d3dPool; DWORD m_d3dFilter; DWORD m_d3dMipFilter; D3DCOLOR m_d3dColorKey; D3DXIMAGE_INFO m_d3dImageInfo; PALETTEENTRY* m_pPalette; LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 m_pTexture; LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 m_pCubeTexture; bool loadFromResourceFile(cFile& InputFile); bool configureImageSettings(); bool checkTextureRequirements(); bool checkCubeTextureRequirements(); bool loadTextureFromImageFile(const tchar* filename); bool loadTextureFromMemory(uint8* memory, uint32 size); bool loadCubeTextureFromImageFile(const tchar* filename); bool loadCubeTextureFromMemory(uint8* memory, uint32 size); // Nonexistant Functions... cTexture( const cTexture& Src); cTexture& operator=( const cTexture& Src); }; typedef cResourcePool



















class cDisplayManager {
。。。。。。 protected: // Private Data... bool m_bEnabled; bool m_bClearEachFrame; // true to clear each frame to black before rendering // device-bound resource pools cTextureManager m_texturePool; cSurfaceMaterialManager m_surfaceMaterialPool; cEffectFileManager m_effectFilePool; cRenderMethodManager m_renderMethodPool; cVertexBufferManager m_vertexBufferPool; cIndexBufferManager m_indexBufferPool; cModelManager m_modelPool; cImageManager m_imagePool; 。。。。。。 };


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